Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (AMS)

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) is a cutting-edge technique revolutionizing the field of radiocarbon dating and isotopic analysis. Unlike traditional methods, AMS offers unparalleled precision and sensitivity, allowing researchers to analyze samples with minimal material requirements and unprecedented accuracy.

Using a tandem accelerator, AMS measures the abundance of isotopes in a sample, particularly carbon-14 (^14C) for radiocarbon dating applications. This process involves ionizing atoms in the sample and accelerating them to high energies, allowing precise separation and measurement of isotopic ratios.

AMS enables researchers to date organic materials with remarkable precision, spanning a wide range of ages from thousands to millions of years. Its applications extend beyond archaeology and geology, encompassing environmental studies, climate research, and forensic science.

With its ability to analyze tiny samples and deliver reliable results, AMS is indispensable in unraveling the mysteries of the past and understanding the dynamics of our environment with unprecedented detail. Explore the possibilities of AMS and unlock the secrets hidden within your samples with unparalleled accuracy and reliability.