LIBS M-Trace

A compact mobile device for the fast elemental analysis using LIBS. Brings
the fully automated analysis including 3D sample surface scan and chemical
mapping. Pull out of the trunk, activate, and analyze. The in-field analysis –
this is the purpose of the M-Trace.

Features :
• Multielemental analysis (including light elements Li, Be, B,
C, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca)
• Spatial chemical imaging (in the heatmap form)
• Depth profiling
• 3D sample scan
• Gas purging (He, Ar, etc.) and fume extraction
• Vacuum and Cryo-LIBS supported
• Qualitative and Quantitative (libraries and sample
homogeneity required) analysis
• Portable device ready for outdoor and indoor applications
• Friendly UI and simple operation via Wi-Fi tablet (optionally
PC via LAN)


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