Video Extensometers (VEM 300 Series)

It is designed as a flexible platform allowing users to define their own extensometer performance using standard technology building blocks these being to measure low or high strain in tensile, compression, shear and flexural modes. The building blocks consist of camera and lens, lighting, machine frame mounting options and data exchange options.

The VEM 300 series is directly compatible with all Tinius Olsen testing machine frames, single, twin and four column machines, camera staging options are available including a unit that allows for fine X, Y and Z camera positioning and adjustment for optimum measuring performance. The 300 series can be mounted at the front or rear of most testing machines or free standing on a tripod.

There are over 70 lens types to choose from in pursuit of a specific camera lens performance, be it data capture speed, field of view in which the event will occur, resolution and accuracy.

Key Features:
• Non-contacting video extensometer solution
• System supports up to four synchronised cameras capturing data real time and simultaneously
• Measures in tension, compression, flexural, shear modes
• No need for bonded strain gauges or multiple clip on extensometers for r&n
• Supports axial, transverse, orthogonal and rotational measurements
• Provides a permanent record for recall of the test in video format with full resolution embedded strain data
• Meets the requirements of ISO 9513 class 0.5, ASTM E83 class B1 and GB/T 12160 class 0.5 proportional low strain


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