MILEA (Multi-Isotope Low-Energy AMS)

With a footprint of just 3.5 m x 7 m, the space requirements of this new AMS instrument are very low. The accelerator is based on the vacuum insulated MICADAS design, which has been upgraded to support up to 300 kV. The low energy spectrometer of the new instrument comprises an achromatic combination of a 90° electrostatic and magnetic defl ector. The layout of the high energy side is inspired by the “TANDY” spectrometer (90° magnetic, 120° electrostatic and 110° magnetic deflector). A quadrupole triplet after the accelerator unit provides similar ion optical conditions for all measured isotopes and facilitates tuning. A new, improved low-noise ΔE-Eres gas ionization chamber at the back end of the new multi-isotope AMS system provides outstanding separation and identification of interfering particles.


•   Isotopes: ¹⁰Be, ¹⁴C, ²⁶Al, ⁴¹Ca, ¹²⁹I U, Pu and other actinides

•   Hybrid cesium negative sputter ion source for solid samples
    and CO gas

•   Random access sample changer with 40 positions

•   300 kV accelerator on a vacuum insulated high voltage platform
    with a low maintenance solid-state power supply

•   Helium stripping

•   High mass selectivity, abundance sensitivity of <5·10-13 for U

•   7 Faraday cups and integrators on the HE side covering the
    entire range of measured currents (1pA – 300μA)

•   High resolution ΔE-Eres gas ionization chamber with absorber
    cell and two parameter data acquisition

•   Height of beam line: 1.15 m for simple maintenance

•   Dimensions and weight: 3.5 m × 7 m x 2 m, 15’000 kg

•   No SF insulation gas needed



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MILEA 360 Tour

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